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Kent Overstreet
From: Kent Overstreet <kent.overstreet <at> gmail.com>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] bcachefs!
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.kernel.bcache.devel
Date: 2015-07-14 00:58:25 GMT
Short announcement, because I'm in the process of moving - but I wanted to get this out there because the code is up and I think it's reasonably stable right now.
Bcachefs is a posix filesystem that I've been working towards for - well, quite awhile now: it's intended as a competitor/replacement for ext4/xfs/btrfs.
Current features
- multiple devices
- replication
- tiering
- data checksumming and compression (zlib only; also the code doesn't work with tiering yet)
- most of the normal posix fs features (no fallocate or quotas yet)
Planned features:
- snapshots!
- erasure coding
- more
There will be a longer announcement on LKML/linux-fs in the near future (after I'm finished moving) - but I'd like to get it a bit more testing from a wider audience first, if possible.
You need the bcache-dev branch, and the new bcache tools - be warned, this code is _not_ compatible with the upstream bcache on disk format:
$ git clone -b bcache-dev http://evilpiepirate.org/git/linux-bcache.git
$ git clone -b dev http://evilpiepirate.org/git/bcache-tools.git
Then do the usual compiling...
# bcacheadm format -C /dev/sda1
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
The usual caveats apply - it might eat your data, the on disk format has _not_ been stabilized yet, etc. But it's been reasonably stable for me, and passes all but 2-3 of the supported xfstests.
Try it out and let me know how it goes!
Also, programmers please check out the bcache guide - feedback is appreciated:
Для Ъ: автор bcache пилит новую фс, хочет догнать по фичам мэинстрим фс, но главной киллер фичей будут уровни кэша (tiers), т.е. теоретически одна фс может иметь на разных уровнях устройства с разной скоростью.