История изменений

Исправление i-rinat, (текущая версия) :

(текст из автосгенерированных субтитров. Почти не правил его. Только достал текст, приблизительно разбил на предложения и абзацы, и поправил совсем явно неправильно распознанные слова.)

The idea the Internet Archive has helped the internet become the Library of Alexandria version too can we make all the books music video web pages software ever made by people available to everybody that wants have access to it. Technologically we can do this.

We started out by collecting websites because we thought that was very ephemeral media that was disappearing from the world. But we soon moved on to other kinds of published work. We're trying to collect that and bring it into one place one library that serve the entire world.

It actually turns out to be quite doable. A book is about a megabyte, and the largest library in the world is the library congress with 26-28 million books. That makes 28 terabytes. 20 terabytes isn't that much and you can apply that over and over again. Youtube or something like that or Flickr you go for all of it is too big for us. So we just try to find the parts that are referred to by others. And we archive those.

So where we are as a former church. And the reason why we bought this building was it because it matched our logo. And so we thought we'd flatten the floor make it into a library. But what a library looks like? As blue and clear as we left the pews. So I'm sitting on a pew right now. And-- I'll we use it for working for having performances. We even have a little statues of all of the people that have worked at the Internet archive for three years or more in this space, to make it a sort of a community place of for open Internet conversation to happen.

When we started to collect the web most people cut know, you're either crazy or kind of dumb or even trying. Why bother?

The average life of a web page is a hundred days before it's either changed or deleted. So if we didn't collect it most of the web would be gone now. I think we have an idea in our heads that once it's been put out there is it's always going to be there. Will never disappear. That is absolutely not true. I'd say we're information activists. We are people to believe in the power of openness. The key thing about the Internet and the World Wide Web is that it's us. It's all just us. We've built a trusting celebration that is the worldwide web over the last 20 years.

Let's keep it going. [Music]

Исходная версия i-rinat, :

The idea the Internet Archive has helped the internet become the Library of Alexandria version too can we make all the books music video web pages software ever made by people available to everybody that wants have access to it. Technologically we can do this.

We started out by collecting websites because we thought that was very ephemeral media that was disappearing from the world. But we soon moved on to other kinds of published work. We're trying to collect that and bring it into one place one library that serve the entire world.

It actually turns out to be quite doable. A book is about a megabyte, and the largest library in the world is the library congress with 26-28 million books. That makes 28 terabytes. 20 terabytes isn't that much and you can apply that over and over again. Youtube or something like that or Flickr you go for all of it is too big for us. So we just try to find the parts that are referred to by others. And we archive those.

So where we are as a former church. And the reason why we bought this building was it because it matched our logo. And so we thought we'd flatten the floor make it into a library. But what a library looks like? As blue and clear as we left the pews. So I'm sitting on a pew right now. And-- I'll we use it for working for having performances. We even have a little statues of all of the people that have worked at the Internet archive for three years or more in this space, to make it a sort of a community place of for open Internet conversation to happen.

When we started to collect the web most people cut know, you're either crazy or kind of dumb or even trying. Why bother?

The average life of a web page is a hundred days before it's either changed or deleted. So if we didn't collect it most of the web would be gone now. I think we have an idea in our heads that once it's been put out there is it's always going to be there. Will never disappear. That is absolutely not true. I'd say we're information activists. We are people to believe in the power of openness. The key thing about the Internet and the World Wide Web is that it's us. It's all just us. We've built a trusting celebration that is the worldwide web over the last 20 years.

Let's keep it going. [Music]