Ответ на: комментарий от beastie

Не по теме, но как такой LA может быть при idle 100%

load averages:  1.15,  1.23,  1.44                                                                                                                 14:24:43
26 processes: 23 idle, 2 stopped, 1 on processor                                                                                                                                     up  1:09
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
Memory: Real: 22M/294M act/tot Free: 687M Cache: 196M Swap: 0K/387M

59793 root      18    0 2248K 4352K sleep     pause     0:03  0.00% zsh
96024 _ntp       2  -20 1284K 2424K sleep     poll      0:02  0.00% ntpd
10887 root       2    0  976K 3428K sleep     select    0:01  0.00% sshd
    1 root      10    0  384K  416K idle      wait      0:01  0.00% init
57349 _pflogd    4    0  672K  448K sleep     bpf       0:01  0.00% pflogd
66454 root      18    0 1088K 2884K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% zsh
58408 _syslogd   2    0  916K 1484K sleep     kqread    0:00  0.00% syslogd
63329 root      28    0 1884K 3692K stop      -         0:00  0.00% top
82942 root      18    0  656K  840K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
47692 _ntp       2    0  688K 2216K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
 8622 root       2  -20  780K 1680K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
70361 root      30    0 1892K 3696K stop      -         0:00  0.00% top
11952 root       2    0  668K 1180K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% cron
50780 root      28    0 1892K 3664K onproc    -         0:00  0.00% top
65869 root       3    0  312K 1184K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
45100 root       2    0  504K 1908K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% syslogd
36904 root       2    0  864K 1432K idle      select    0:00  0.00% sshd
55413 root       3    0  304K 1136K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
 1673 root       3    0  312K 1148K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
83088 root       3    0  308K 1152K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
61311 root       3    0  312K 1148K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
68178 root       2    0  608K  620K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% pflogd
24070 _dhcp      2    0  748K  604K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% dhclient
83632 root       2    0  620K  524K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% dhclient
82402 _sndiop    2    0  380K  660K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% sndiod
20049 _sndio     2  -20  392K  664K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% sndiod
int13h ★★★★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от int13h
Load on linux and load on BSD are two completely different things. On linux I recall load being the number of processes running or blocking, or something based on that.
On BSD, load is the number of processes which have (wanted to) run at least once in the most recent 5-second window, with a degradation over time. So, if you have a process that wakes up every 5 seconds and prints the time on your console, you have a load average of 1. Load is not the number of cpu cycles used.
A high load is just that: high. It means you have a lot of processes that sometimes run. High load does not mean your performance is going down or whatever: I ran a test today which generated a load of 200, but only used 10% of the cpu and was very responsive.
You can't compare load on linux with load on bsd, I'd really appreciate if people stopped comparing apples and oranges. :P
int13h ★★★★★
() автор топика
Последнее исправление: int13h (всего исправлений: 1)
curl|grep curl|wc -l

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 1765k    0 1765k    0     0  1101k      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:-- 1101k

Кто-та гдета шо-та врет-с.

takino ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Ygor

и в пакетах оно есть, как и почти любой другой порт.

takino ★★★★★

Почему их не вынесут в пакеты?

потому что они и так есть в пакетах

user@jessie:~$ cd /srv/ftp/6.1/pkg/
user@jessie:/srv/ftp/6.1/pkg$ ls curl*
curl-7.53.1.tgz  curlftpfs-0.9.2p1.tgz
user@jessie:/srv/ftp/6.1/pkg$ ls wget*
buratino ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от int13h

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