!Ъ: https://youtu.be/_FjuPn7MXMs
3D compositor written using the QtCompositor API (http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtwayland), capable of mapping input to and compositing the rendered output from Wayland applications. With QtWayland we're no longer limited to compositing of in-process widgets as in WolfenQt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXS3xK...
Source for the compositor: https://github.com/capisce/mazecompos...
Thanks to Jørgen for a Qt/QML based terminal emulator: https://github.com/jorgen/yat
Oh, and it runs on the Raspberry Pi as well :)
Update: Link to a colleague's video showing it running on the Raspberry Pi with two QtWebKit clients: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6NIVY
Ъ: композитор вяленда на Qt Composer Api, представляющий из себя трехмерную комнату, по которой можно перемещаться. Окошки висят на стенах.