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Krita Foundation in Trouble
(1.08.2017)Even while we’re working on a new beta for Krita 3.2 and a new development build for 4.0 (with Python, on Windows!), we have to release some bad news as well. The Krita Foundation is having trouble with the Dutch tax authorities. This is the situation:
In February, we received an audit from the tax inspector. We were quite confident we wouldn’t have any problems because when we setup the Krita Foundation in 2013, we took the advice of a local tax consultant on how to setup the Foundation and its administration. We registered for VAT with the tax authorities and kept our books as instructed by the consultant.
However, the tax inspector found two problems springing from the fact the Foundation sells training videos and books, so it is not 100% funded by donations. This means that the tax authorities see the Foundation is as partly a company, partly as not a company. ...
(кешированная версия страницы - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://krita.org/en/ite...
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