Dear Init Freedom Lovers, Once again the Veteran Unix Admins salute you! We are happy to announce that the Devuan 2.0 ASCII Release Candidate is now available thanks to the support, feedback, and collaboration of the Devuan community. Devuan 2.0 ASCII Stable will be following soon. The Devuan 2.0 ASCII RC installer now offers a wider variety of Desktop Environments including XFCE, KDE, MATE, Cinnamon, LXQT (with others available post-install). In addition, there are options for «Console productivity» with hundreds of CLI and TUI utils, as well as a minimal base system ideal for servers. When installing from ISO, the expert install option offers a choice of SysVinit and OpenRC. Official ready-to-use Devuan 2.0 ASCII RC images are available for dozens of ARM boards and SOCs, including Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, OrangePi, BananaPi, OLinuXino, Cubieboard, Nokia N900, and several Chromebooks, as well as for Virtualbox/QEMU/Vagrant. The desktop-live images are recommended for users to explore and easily install Devuan 2.0 ASCII RC and also for the press to review the default Xfce desktop. The minimal-live image provides a full-featured console-based system with a particular focus on accessibility. Devuan developers have already started working on the third Devuan release codenamed Beowulf (Planet nr. 38086). Preliminary installer images should be ready for testing soon. ## Download Devuan 2.0 ASCII Release Candidate images are available for download at: and from the ISO mirrors listed at: The latter URL also includes information about the official Devuan repositories. ## Upgrade Upgrade paths from Debian Jessie, Devuan Jessie, and Debian Stretch are available. Please see the instructions at: The following will be enough to upgrade if you are already using Devuan ASCII Beta: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ## Derivatives The Devuan project is about providing a reliable universal base for derivatives to build on its foundation. These recent Devuan derivatives deserve special recognition: Maemo Leste is a new ASCII-based derivative succesfully ported on a number of mobile phones like the Nokia N900, N950, Motorola Droid 4, Allwinner tablets and more. DecodeOS is another ASCII-based derivative targeting micro-service usage on anonymous network clusters. It includes original software developed to automatically build p2p networks as Tor hidden service families. heads, the libre privacy distro previously based on ASCII, continues its development and has already moved forward to Beowulf as its new base. More Devuan derivatives can be found at: ## Contact Mailing list: IRC: #devuan #devuan-dev (Freenode) Forum: Press contact: Bug tracker: Popularity contest: ## Appreciation We wish to thank all of you for the incredible support given to this development effort, which continues to make Devuan a useful and reliable base distro as well as a pleasant and cooperative community. To support the Devuan project: Financial reports for the year 2017 are available for download from the same page. happy hacking ;^) _______________________________________________ devuan-announce mailing list

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