Pete Wright, программист и автор весьма известных книг книг по VB, VC#, ADO.NET, рассказывает в своем блоге
о своей работе в Microsoft и о причинах, побудивших его уйти.
Характерный пассаж оттуда:
I'm writing this on my Mac using NeoOffice Writer while the PC under my desk is, for the last time ever, removing Windows and all the trappings that go with it to install Ubuntu Linux. My Microsoft career is now officially over.
Microsoft don't innovate, in my opinion. Vista looks like a pile of crap compared to Mac OS X and Ubuntu with GLX. Their software is buggy, overpriced, and stress inducing. Their development tools are staid, designed and developed by committees to solve every problem you could ever conceive of, while being ideally suited to solving none.
The people that write code for a living with Microsoft technologies (by and large -= not all, and if you're reading a blog about coding then you're probably not included in this generalization) are day coders. They code to pick up a pay check – they have no passion, no drive, little talent and create environments filled with tedium and political bullshit.
Today, I've resigned to leave that world behind forever, and I couldn't be happier.
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