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source: They have a server hosted online by Akami CDN that wasn’t properly secure. After an internet wide nmap scan I found my target port open and went through a list of 370 possible servers based on details that nmap provided with an NSE script.
source: I used a python script I made to probe different aspects of the server including username defaults and unsecure file/folder access.
source: The folders were just lying open if you could guess the name of one. Then when you were in the folder you could go back to root and just click into the other folders that you didn’t know the name of.
deletescape: holy shit that’s incredibly funny
source: Best of all, due to another misconfiguration, I could masqurade as any of their employees or make my own user.
deletescape: LOL
source: Another funny thing is that on the zip files you may find password protected. Most of them use the password Intel123 or a lowercase intel123
source: Security at it’s finest.