Собственно, для Ъ 0: https://www.tag1consulting.com/blog/interview-linus-torvalds-linux-and-git
1: https://www.tag1consulting.com/blog/interview-linus-torvalds-open-source-and-beyond-part-2
TL;DR из того, что мне показалось самым интересным (неполные варианты ответов) (JA — интервьюер):
JA: Do you ever regret your choice of license, or how much money other people and companies have made off something you created?
LT: Absolutely not.
JA: These days when people release source code under the GPLv2, they generally do it because of Linux. How did you find the license, and how much time and effort did you put into reviewing other existing licenses?
LT:But the two main reasons were probably simply gcc - which was very much instrumental in getting Linux going, since I absolutely required a C compiler - and Lars Wirzenius ("Lasu"), who was the other Swedish-speaking CS student at University in my year (Swedish being a fairly small minority in Finland).
JA: What is your typical day like? How much of it is spent writing code, versus reviewing code, versus reading and writing emails? And how do you balance personal life and working on the Linux Kernel?
LT: I write very little code these days, and haven't for a long time. And when I do write code, the most common situation is that there's some discussion about some particular problem, and I make changes and send them out as a patch mainly as an explanation of a suggested solution.
And yes, I spend time on code reviews too, but honestly, by the time I get a pull request, generally the code in question should already have been reviewed by multiple people already. ...
JA: Is there anything in the kernel which is not optimal, but would require a complete rewrite to address properly?
LT: We've actually been really good about even completely rewriting things if necessary, so anything that would have been an unmitigated disaster has long since been rewritten.
JA: What about rewriting at least parts with Rust, a language that was specifically designed for performance and safety? Is there room for improvement in this way? Do you feel it’s ever possible for another language like Rust to replace C in the kernel?
LT: We'll see. I don't think Rust will take over the core kernel, but doing individual drivers (and maybe whole driver subsystems) in it doesn't sound entirely unlikely. Maybe filesystems too. So it's not "replace C", but more of "augment our C code where it makes sense".
JA: The past year has been difficult all around the world. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the kernel development process?
LT: It actually has had very minimal effect, because of how we always worked. Email really ends up being a wonderful tool, and we didn't rely on face-to-face meetings.