Разраб (?) curl оповестил о том, что в curl найдена серьёзная уязвимость, жутчайшая за много лет. Мейнтейнеры дистрибутивов оповещены, детали 11 октября.
I cannot disclose any information about which version range that is affected, as that would help identify the problem (area) with a very high accuracy so I cannot do that ahead of time. The "last several years" of versions is as specific as I can get.
We have notified the distros mailing list allowing the member distributions to prepare patches. (No one else gets details about these problems before October 11 without a support contract and a good reason.)
Так что если у кого там продакшн скрипты используют curl, имеет смысл отслеживать тему, обновляться.