На одном дыхании, так что косяки вероятно есть. Children Of Freedom In the silence of Finland, among the shadows of the Turing we hear And a Linus howling hungry to wake up OS of the Gods The cult that serves as revenge Has put forward its fangs to declare a fucking war Only calmless spirits of *NIX are passing by The altars of software where everything but stability and freedom is a lie (M$ is a lie) To spill M$ blood to become our wine We'll reborn reality where only the opened will survive (Die M$!) The clash of wickedness Penguins in the armor and our eyes are red We have gathered our soft to praise the triumph of proprietary shitwear death Open Software, angry are rising Just working, M$ slaying with a sense of desire From the twilight of the past, (among) the shitwear who died Something opened has survived Only calmless spirits of *NIX are passing by The altars of software where everything but stability and freedom is a lie (M$ is a lie) To spill M$ blood to become our wine We'll reborn reality where only the opened will survive (This is something awesome, I find your fears We have gathered our digital souls to watch proprietary shit death You'll obey the Open Source You'll become one of us Hackers) Open Software, angry are rising Just working, M$ slaying with a sense of desire From the twilight of the past, (among) the shitwear who died Something opened has survived

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