More fixes in the pipeline for 9.51! As always, we appreciate constructive feedback. Main focus was on stability and the installer - some issues that users have encountered when upgrading from 9.27 should now be finally solved.
Security status should be now always correctly set when navigating from HTTP to HTTPS.
Fixed an issue related to OCSP and CRLs that would lower security level - Yngve has a detailed article. You'll have to manually check for updates to activate this fix.
Fixed an issue in the content blocker that might cause no page to be loaded anymore.
Fixed a crash on Yahoo! Mail (now really!).
Fixed a crash with userjs.
Fixed a crash related to Dragonfly.
Fixed a crash on Print Preview.
Fixed an issue that caused unwanted line breaks in rich text editors.
Fixed loading of stylesheets when navigating in history.
UNIX specific:
Fixed an issue that would prevent pages from closing on Qt4 builds.
Fixed saving of changes to plugin configuration.
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от Corran_Horn
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