Sunday's post about the closing CompUSA Vista fire sale racked up some pretty heated comment debates. Clearly, Vista is an emotional subject, which is good reason to ask you, again, to tell us what you think about Windows Vista.
Related Web Blogs
Microsoft Windows Guru Tweaks Vista
From eWeek E-Piphanies
Eight Things About Windows 7
From eWeek Microsoft Watch
30 Days: Windows Vista
From eWeek Microsoft Watch
6 useful Windows Vista sidebar gadgets
From Computer Tips From A Computer Guy!
Upgrade Windows Search to Version 4.0 and improve your PC (for Windows Vista, XP, Server 2003 and 2008)
From David Overton's Blog
We asked back in December and published comments from readers that had used Windows Vista. But that was way before the official release to everybody.
Nearly three months into Windows Vista's public release, we ask for your reaction to the operating system. If you've used Windows Vista, please tell us what you think of the new software. To spice things up a bit, we'd also like answers to the question: Is Windows Vista Microsoft's Windows Me II?
The Inquirer has labeled Windows Vista as Windows Me II. I wouldn't go that far (yet), but I'll say this: Over dinner last year, I told several Microsoft user interface designers that there were only two versions of Windows I liked less the more I used them: Me and Vista. They were mortally offended, methinks, but that remains my experience still.
The question of Vista as Windows Me II is no small one. Windows Me is kind of a dirty word at Microsoft. Most users clung to Windows 98 rather than go to Me, which may also have deterred consumer upgrades to Windows XP later on. If Vista turns out to be a Me II operating system, then Windows XP could become Windows 98/98 SE II—meaning the operating system people continue to use rather than going to the next version. Heck, Dell brought back XP for new PCs. How telling is that?
Please send your comments about Windows Vista to our Tips mailbox. By submitting a comment, you will be agreeing to be quoted about Microsoft's flagship operating system in an upcoming post. Identity must be verified to be quoted. Please include your correct name, title and company (unless a student; where you go to school) and valid e-mail address and phone number. Also, let us know which Vista version you are using and on what hardware.
Sometime in the next few days, we will blog based on the submitted Windows Vista comments. We also encourage some candid commenting to this post. We ask for identification (which isn't required), so that we can quote you later on.

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