Good morning! We're very excited to have you here today for the
unvealing of the .Net Platform. The .Net Platform is gonna make it
much much easier for you to build the most compelling web-services
and web-applications. Those of us who've been working on this things
for the past three years can't wait to show you what we've been doing
so we'll get your feedback on it and then make the final round to
changes and get those bits to you so you can ship product on it.
Now tomorrow morning... after the Bill G.... this what you're gonna
get... (показывает диски) we're gonna have the best... <bla bla bla>
Ok, I'm gonna take 20 minutes and go though a quick roadmap so you
can see how all this stuff feats together. Then Mark Anders is going
come on during this session, he's gonna start walking us though the
code. We're gonna see how the .Net Platform and ASP - the next
version of ASP... (почесав репу) ASP "plus" - the next version of ASP
work together so let you build web-service very easily and support
a new data architecture and so on. Then Anders Hejlsberg whom you
probably know for the TurboPascal days he is gonna talk to us about
the Integrated .NET Framework Classes that he's build, Dave Mandlen
is gonna walk us through Visual Studio and show, how tool targets all
these things...

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