
[подборка][slashdot] fedora + правительство



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>>Russia's Operating System May Be Fedora Based

Well, Duh, it's Red. :D

Maybe they'll rename it Red Ushanka! :P

>>But why Fedora?

Because only in the Russian language are there enough curse words to accurately describe yum breaking, the video drivers, and itself after downloading 450 MB of updates because you didn't update in two weeks.

That was FC6, and F7 would not install on my Inspiron (driving me to Kubuntu). I love Fedora to death, but it is _not_ for your daily driver! Unless you happen to speak a language where every tangible noun can be made into a curse word. Pizdyetz!

Trust me. Don't try the borsch.

Why would they base their OS on somebody else's distribution? I thought Russia didn't need help, weren't invalids and didn't have limited mental capacity? I figured that a bare chested, gun totin' Putin would write the OS from scratch himself after using his mad Judo skills to teach a bear why nobody should talk wise to the past and future President of Russia.

>>I thought Russia didn't need help, weren't invalids and didn't have limited mental capacity

Well at least not until they open that third lunchtime bottle of vodka ...

In Soviet Russia... but does it run Linux? Russian overlords... MEME OVERLOAD*(&$*(%&*#$*(%&NO CARRIER

Ответ на: комментарий от marsijanin

Задорнов по его признанию не знает английского вовсе. Все его изыски на тему английское слово "сок" произошло от русского "носок" основаны на дюжине слов, которые ему подксазал Драгункин.

Так что слакбук для него был бы таким же открытием, как и история Руси.


Ух ты! Для Петросяна теперь пишут по-английски?

Demon37 ★★★★

Судя по сайту ВНИИНС, МСВС 3.0 успешно похоронен. Сертифицировали Red Hat. Неясно о чём болтают на /. но это явно устаревшая информация.

robot12 ★★★★★
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