You: HI
Stranger: inb4 asl
Stranger: how're you?
You: female?
You: nice
Stranger: if you want me to be
You: from?
Stranger: Well, Mr. Pushy. I'm from Hawaii
Stranger: and u?
You: oh///you're a bot right?
You: Russia
You: what is your name
Stranger: mm... well, you can call me tanya
You: да вы ох@@@@
You: nice to meet you
Stranger: Nice to meet you too
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 14
You: too old
Stranger: but I'm legal in Hawaii
You: cool
You: i'll fuck you
Stranger: Is that legal in Russia?
Stranger: I've always wanted to move there and never be heard from again
You: everything is legal
You: like in an Amsterdam
Stranger: oh wow
You: do you like to fuck?
Stranger: I sure do
Stranger: and sometimes I think i'm a little messed up
You: heh
Stranger: but i've always wanted to meet an older man who would use me
You: xD
Stranger: and then strangle me and bury me in his backyard
Stranger: I think that'd be so hot
You: i will fuck you every day
You: )))
You: from dusk till dawn
You: come to me my dear
You: с@@@
Stranger: I've already tried anal. It was really fun!
You: real?
Stranger: yup yup
You: one anal raping,just awesome
Stranger: It was my PE coach.
Stranger: he helped me get a spot on the cheerleading team
You: can you give me your photo
Stranger: yeah, let me get my camera turned on
You: я х@@@ от таких троллей
You: ok
You: and?


Stranger: massive enemy crab
You: finally i meet you
You: you are my last hope
You: give me your soul
Stranger: my reputation preceeds me?
You: just now
You: hurry!
Stranger: no
Stranger: not you
Stranger: again
You: time is comming up!
You: :D
Stranger: how many times have i spoken to you
You: 3rd
Stranger: :|
Stranger: haha


You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: female?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: are you?
You: male
You: where are you from?
Stranger: like a transgendered person?
Stranger: or an actual guy
You: actual guy
Stranger: i'm from canada
Stranger: you?
You: Russia
You: Moscow
Stranger: OMG
You: what?
Stranger: SPYYYYY


You: hi
Stranger: hi, im going to let you in on some top secret information
You: what?
Stranger: i shave my pubes to the style and texture of a eucalyptis leaf
You: you're a troll?^)
Stranger: no im a human
You: you want to fuck your toys?
Stranger: i like to insert my penis in the side door of my fire engine truck
You: oh yes...and for sure you want to have a sex with robot
Stranger: i am a robot
You: and you're female
You: female robot
Stranger: yeh thats me
You: what a nice person to fuck
Stranger: i have big steel titties
You: i will fuck you
Stranger: id let you suck them but my fuse would blow
Stranger: words of a rapist
Stranger: i like
You: fuck fuck fuck
You: so you re a bot
Stranger: exterminate


Да, был ещё америкос, который спрашивал про любимое животное. Потом назвал своё любимое животное. Название не помню, но суть такова, что оно ест пчёл и змей "just for fun" (примерно так он выразился)

Ответ на: комментарий от Ptech

Нда... ну у тебя и английский! Еще хуже, чем мой!

hibou ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от pashazz

Я чего-то не понял. Весь жаббер лист сидит, а я не сижу. Ужас! Если поход на винфак ещё и без меня устроили... ууу....


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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: сраный лор катится в сраное говно! Сильви - бородатый мужик с маленьким членом!!!

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