18/02/2009 3[APA3A]tiny proxy 0.6
New features since 0.5 are marked with !.
1. General
+ HTTP/1.1 Proxy with keep-alive client and server support,
transparent proxy support.
+ Anonymous and random client emulation HTTP proxy mode
+ FTP over HTTP support.
+ DNS caching with built-in resolver
+ SOCKSv4/4.5 Proxy
+ SOCKSv5 Proxy
+ UDP and bind support for SOCKSv5 (fully compatible with
SocksCAP/FreeCAP for UDP)
+ Transparent SOCKS redirection for HTTP, POP3, FTP, SMTP, ICQ
+ POP3 Proxy
+ FTP proxy
+ DNS proxy
+ TCP port mapper
+ UDP port mapper
! SMTP proxy
! ICQ/AOL proxy
! MSN proxy
+ Threaded application (no child process).
+ Web administration and statistics
! Plugins for functionality extension
! Native 64 bit application for 64 bit OS, including 64-bit editions of
Windows XP, Vista, 2003, 2008.
2. Proxy chaining and network connections
+ Parent proxy support for any type of incoming connection
+ Username/password authentication for parent proxy(s).
+ HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 and redirection parent support
+ Random parent selection
+ Chain building (multihop proxing)
! Load balancing between few network connections by choosing network
3. Logging
+ turnable log format compatible with any log parser
+ stdout logging
+ file logging
+ syslog logging (Unix)
+ ODBC logging (Windows and Unix)
+ log file rotation (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
+ automatic log file comperssion with external archiver (for files)
+ automatic removal of older log files
+ Character filtering for log files
+ different log files for different servces are supported
4. Access control
+ ACL-driven (user/source/destination/protocol/weekday/daytime or
combined) bandwith limitation for incoming and (!)outgoing trafic.
+ ACL-driven (user/source/destination/protocol/weekday/daytime or
combined) traffic limitation per day, week or month for incoming and
(!) outgoing traffic
+ User authorization by NetBIOS messanger name
+ Access control by username, source IP, destination IP, destination
port and destination action (POST, PUT, GET, etc), weekday and daytime.
+ Access control by username/password for SOCKSv5 and HTTP/HTTPS/FTP
+ Cleartext or encrypted (crypt/MD5 or NT) passwords.
+ Connection redirection
+ Access control by requested action (CONNECT/BIND,
+ NTLM (v1 only) authentication for HTTP proxy access
+ All access control entries now support weekday and time limitations
! Hostnames and * templates are supported instead of IP address
5. Extensions
! (beta) Regular expression filtering (with PCRE) via PCREPlugin
currently HTTP traffic only for URLs, HTTP headers and HTTP data.
! Authentication with Windows username/password (cleartext only!)
6. Configuration
+ support for configuration files
+ support for includes in configuration files
+ interface binding
+ running as daemon process
+ utility for automated networks list building
+ configuration reload on any file change
+ support for chroot
+ support for setgid
+ support for setuid
+ support for signals
Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3
+ support --install as service
+ support --remove as service
+ support for service START, STOP, PAUSE and CONTINUE commands (on
PAUSE no new connection accepted, but active connections still in
progress, on CONTINUE configuration is reloaded)
Windows 95/98/ME
+ support --install as service
+ support --remove as service
6. Compilation
+ MSVC (static)
+ Intel Windows Compiler (msvcrt.dll)
+ Windows/gcc (msvcrt.dll)
+ Cygwin/gcc (cygwin.dll)
+ Unix/gcc
+ Unix/ccc
+ Solaris
! Mac OS X, iPhone OS

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