
[flash] UNIX trouble




Happy Day-Before-Easter :)

I found the following video on a site I'd never seen before called Funny Or Die which hosts a series by the name of "Yell For Help With Stewie Bronson."

If this doesn't make you laugh, you may be dead inside. Or, maybe it's not your sense of humor ;) Give it a shot and check it out. At worst, you'll die knowing that you wasted those entire five minutes :)



I shall not waste entire 5 minutes for this video :)


I'm Q, what's that all about?

Miguel ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от vitroot

Fuck you. Sorry, i... i just like this sentence so much, so i could say everytime when i meet anybody on my sight. And when say it, i see such a wonderful moment, so i like it. I like it as much as i had sex with it.
Excuse my French, pls.

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