Dear Free Software Supporter,
Tomorrow we mark the end of our year-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of the GNU Project---a celebration that we kicked off in September 2008 with a wonderful video ( from author and comedian Stephen Fry.
Today, we celebrate the fact that we have passed 25,000 subscribers to our monthly newsletter, the Free Software Supporter, and we thank the 3,200 individuals who have joined the Free Software Foundation as Associate Members to fund our work. You can join their ranks now and become a proud card carrying member:
* Become an FSF Associate Member * Give a gift of FSF Membership
* As a member use our widget to refer your friends
* Donate without membership
I am proud that the FSF has so many dedicated activists and members, who every day voice their support for our mission and advocate for a free society.
The free software movement has had an excellent year, and awareness of the ethical importance of free software is growing. Together, we are fighting the scourge of proprietary software, software patents, Digital Restrictions Management, and Treacherous Computing, in an effort to build a world of free software where we the users are free.
"I could have made money [by joining the proprietary software world], and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place." Richard Stallman, The GNU Project.
Help us cap a succesful year for GNU by Joining as a member or donating, and thank you for your continued support!
Peter and the Free Software Foundation team.