А как же столлмановские принципы и «Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed» в тексте GPL?

anonymfus ★★★★

Licenses for Works of Opinion and Judgment

Works that express someone's opinion—memoirs, editorials, and so on—serve a fundamentally different purpose than works for practical use like software and documentation. Because of this, we expect them to provide recipients with a different set of permissions: just the permission to copy and distribute the work verbatim. Richard Stallman discusses this frequently in his speeches.

Because so many licenses meet these criteria, we cannot list them all. If you are looking for one to use yourself, however, there are two that we recommend:

Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 license (a.k.a. CC-BY-ND)

This license provides much the same permissions as our verbatim copying license, but it's much more detailed. We particularly recommend it for audio and/or video works of opinion. Please be specific about which Creative Commons license is being used.


Nao ★★★★★

GPL GPL-ом, а не программное творчество под CC-ND ;)
хотя да, это всего-лишь сайт, а GPL больше применима к коду,
но почему бы было бы не сделать GNU FDL тогда ?)

Sylvia ★★★★★
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