guest@xkcd:/$ bash
You bash your head against the wall. It's not very effective.

интересно как они так сделали :) а тут ещё арчлинукс-журнал вышел...

ferhiord ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от arsi

> sudo poweroff

Улыбнуло (:

Вообще, хорошо сделали, одобряю.

pevzi ★★★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ top

It's up there --^
pevzi ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Hetor
guest@xkcd:/$ vi

You should really use emacs.

guest@xkcd:/$ emacs

You should really use vim.

guest@xkcd:/$ nano

Seriously? Why don't you just use Notepad.exe? Or MS Paint?

Вот это убило.

Yareg ★★★

guest@xkcd:/$ pwd

You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

guest@xkcd:/$ who

Who are you?

guest@xkcd:/$ whoami

You are Richard Stallman.


guest@xkcd:/$ su
God mode activated. Remember, with great power comes great ... aw, screw it, go have fun.


guest@xkcd:/$ more
Oh, yes! More! More!
guest@xkcd:/$ ssh
ssh, this is a library.
guest@xkcd:/$ man
Oh, I'm sure you can figure it out.
guest@xkcd:/$ help
That would be cheating!
guest@xkcd:/$ apt-get
This APT has Super Cow Powers.
guest@xkcd:/$ echo
Echo ... echo ... echo ...
guest@xkcd:/$ bash
You bash your head against the wall. It's not very effective.

Lucky1 ★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ fuck
I have a headache.
arsi ★★★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ ping
There is another submarine three miles ahead, bearing 225, forty fathoms down.
arsi ★★★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ top

It's up there --^
edigaryev ★★★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ ssh
ssh, this is a library.

guest@xkcd:/$ finger
arsi ★★★★★

А комикс тоже ничего %)

dogbert ★★★★★
guest@xkcd:/$ xyzzy
Nothing happens.

guest@xkcd:/$ lpr

guest@xkcd:/$ your gay
Keep your hands off it!

guest@xkcd:/$ hello joshua
How about a nice game of Global Thermonuclear War?

ждём апдейтов :)

arsi ★★★★★
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