У меня тоже нету. Я его как-то неловко поломал, а чинить просто лень. И вайн заодно поломал, и вообще как оно до сих пор у меня работает, не знаю. Чего бы еще поломать?
You know, there is a ten year delay in Soviet Union of delivery of an automobile. Only one out of seven families in Soviet Union own automobiles. It is ten year wait. And you go thro quit a process when you're ready to buy and then you put up the money in advance. And this happened to a fellow, this is a little story that they tell, this is joke.
One man laid down money and then the fellow who was in charge said him: «OK, come back in ten years and get your car». And he said: «Morning or aftarnoon?» and a fellow behind the counter said: «Ten year from now. What difference does it make?» And he said: «Well, the plumber is coming in the morning»