2010-10-21 15:21 mlaurent
* [r1188166] kmail/kmaccount.h: Fix Bug 254775 - Crashes on exit after IMAP connection failure BUG: 254775 (not necessary to backport to trunk)
2010-10-19 20:07 djarvie
* [r1187563] kalarm/Changelog, kalarm/editdlg.cpp, kalarm/functions.cpp: Fix possible crash when enabling individual alarms
2010-10-15 15:15 mlaurent
* [r1186265] messagelist/core/view.cpp: Fix tooltip in rtl
2010-10-15 13:51 mlaurent
* [r1186236] kmail/folderview.cpp: Fix bug 187109 - RTL: Kmail: list view popup aligned to the left BUG: 187109
2010-10-14 13:46 mlaurent
* [r1185891] kmail/kmmainwidget.cpp: Fix Bug 148858 - Delete action in edit menu not updated when switching to trash I didn't add a new string just reused an i18n BUG 148858
2010-10-14 12:55 mlaurent
* [r1185870] kmail/importjob.cpp, kmail/importjob.h: Be safe
2010-10-13 18:06 winterz
* [r1185555] kdepim-version.h: bump version for a 4.4.7 release, while i'm thinking of it
2010-10-13 17:19 winterz
* [r1185541] messageviewer/editorwatcher.cpp: backport SVN commit 1183565 by winterz from trunk: give the «Open With» dialog a parent so it can't get lost behind its ancestor windows probably fixes kolab/issue3374 but I'm waiting on more info to be sure.
2010-10-08 11:46 mlaurent
* [r1183782] kmail/folderstorage.cpp: Fix bug 253564 - kmail crashes when moving message from one folder to another BUG 253564 (not necessary to merge in trunk)
2010-10-07 13:44 winterz
* [r1183473] kmail/cachedimapjob.cpp: port SVN commit 1183452 by smartins from e35: Messages with index == 0 have feelings too. These weren't getting freed because of a typo. MERGE: none (thanks to Akonadi)
2010-10-07 12:43 mlaurent
* [r1183453] kmail/folderview.cpp: Fix Bug 251431 - «Find messages...» missing from «Local folders» context menu BUG: 251431
2010-10-07 12:10 mlaurent
* [r1183416] kmail/isubject.cpp: Minor
2010-10-06 11:42 dfaure
* [r1183150] kmail/kmfolderdialog.cpp: Fix crash when changing properties of a readonly folder (mNameEdit was null) BUG: 240662 Not sure which kdepim release this fix will be in, but it's post-kdepim-4.4.5
2010-10-04 17:56 djarvie
* [r1182484] kalarm/Changelog, kalarm/birthdaymodel.cpp: Bug 248189: fix crash on application exit
2010-10-04 17:42 djarvie
* [r1182476] kalarm/messagewin.cpp, kalarm/messagewin.h: Bug 253207: fix crash when Try is clicked on display alarm
2010-10-03 11:01 djarvie
* [r1182093] kalarm/Changelog, kalarm/editdlgtypes.cpp, kalarm/kalarmapp.cpp: - Allow pre- & post-alarm actions for alarms whose text is generated by a command.
2010-10-02 14:51 winterz
* [r1181857] libkdepim/ktimeedit.cpp: port SVN commit 1181855 by winterz: for UI consistency: the up arrow and the [PageUp] keys increase time the down arrow and the [PageDown] keys decrease time. how nobody noticed this for so many years?
2010-10-01 18:17 djarvie
* [r1181673] kalarm/Changelog, kalarm/messagewin.cpp: Prevent a long file name in a file display alarm from expanding the message window width. Backport of commit 1181045.
2010-09-30 19:36 winterz
* [r1181354] korganizer/korgac/alarmdialog.cpp, korganizer/korgac/alarmdialog.h: forward port SVN commit 1181343 by winterz: add a keyPress handler to trap the key so it can't be used to close the reminder accidentally. kolab/issue4423
2010-09-30 10:06 mlaurent
* [r1181171] kmail/kmcomposereditor.cpp: This function is in kde 4.6
2010-09-30 09:22 mlaurent
* [r1181156] kmail/backupjob.cpp, kmail/backupjob.h, kmail/imapaccountbase.h: Use QPointer, a progressItem can be deleted in progressmanager directly I think it will fix 236316 and other similar bugs BUG: 236316
2010-09-30 08:13 mlaurent
* [r1181130] kmail/kmcomposereditor.cpp: When we cancel action (or doesn't select action) don't show dialog box to add as attachment
2010-09-29 15:58 mlaurent
* [r1180972] kmail/kmcomposereditor.cpp: Backport fix for #252704 (crash when we paste a image) and define «FIX_KMAIL_INSERT_IMAGE» to allow to compile with kde 4.4.x when we use this new function. This crash is very bad so I backport this fix
2010-09-26 22:59 winterz
* [r1180082] knotes/knotesapp.cpp, knotes/knotesapp.h, knotes/org.kde.KNotes.xml: restore notes() dbus interface BUG: 251914 thanks for the patch Tejas.
2010-09-24 00:51 cgiboudeaux
* [r1178827] akregator/src/addfeeddialog.cpp: Backport r1178825 from trunk to 4.4: Set the focus on the feed url when adding a feed CCBUG: 251856
2010-09-22 17:00 mlaurent
* [r1178296] kmail/kmacctimap.cpp: Fix bug #252022 BUG: 252022

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