
digiKam && kipi-plugins 1.6.0





General : Fix compilation under Mac OS-X through MacPorts project.
General : External dependencies to libPGF and Clapack can use used now instead internal implementation if available in host system dedicated to compile.
Album GUI : User can exclude tags in the tag-filter view.
Slideshow : User can change item rating during a slide.
Image Editor : New option to display over/under exposure indicators if pure colors is detected or if only one color component match the condition.
Image Editor : New options to adjust the levels of over/under exposed pixels from histogram, displayed by over/under exposure indicators.
Image Editor : Aspect ratio crop tool is now able to deal with the aspect ratio of the current loaded image in editor. You can keep the original proportions of the image after cropping.


001 ==> 148434 : Cannot change rating in slideshow.
002 ==> 253911 : libkdcraw access beyond array bounds (cameraXYZMatrix).
003 ==> 254135 : Pipette-tool des not work in image editor/showfoto.
004 ==> 254182 : Can't create mysql-entries for new tags.
005 ==> 253702 : Under/overexposure indicator doesn't work on big-endian processors.
006 ==> 254397 : Full stop at the end of checkbox label.
007 ==> 254381 : Copy any pic to some place - only _move_ is available.
008 ==> 148382 : Overexposure indication already when fully "saturated".
009 ==> 233438 : digiKam crash when editing raw images on OS X.
010 ==> 248302 : Crash while jumping back and forth in preview.
011 ==> 254315 : Please consider attached patch for build system.
012 ==> 224245 : Each image editor plugin should remember the zoom ratio.
013 ==> 220425 : Esc doesn't work for editor tools when lose focus.
014 ==> 255271 : digiKam crashes on lens auto-correction function.
015 ==> 254679 : Crash when closign digikam while filter active.
016 ==> 254357 : digiKam crashes after selecting a month in calendarview.
017 ==> 254203 : Libpgf relevant : digiKam crashes while displaying thumbnails on Ultra-SPARC platform.
018 ==> 233005 : Sorting in thumb panel differs from tree.
019 ==> 229282 : digiKam shutdown as I was sellecting crop to crop an image.
020 ==> 241575 : digiKam crashes after saving several (>2) pictures.
021 ==> 227901 : Can't search for Ratings in Advanced Search.
022 ==> 141753 : Ability to exclude tags in tag filter.
023 ==> 206866 : Moving / renaming files creates duplicates in the ThumbsDB.
024 ==> 255478 : digiKam database tables only grow in size and get never cleaned.
025 ==> 189454 : Preview images react strange to mouse movement.
026 ==> 257134 : digiKam crashes when entering its settings.
027 ==> 257103 : Can't save images modified with Image editor.
028 ==> 247175 : digiKam doesn't exit after closing main window.
029 ==> 252737 : Direct capture bug 2 of 2.
030 ==> 243497 : digikam does not exit when "quit", stuck in select.
031 ==> 257329 : Build fails - openmp flags.



Эх, запилил бы кто kipi-плагин для работы с яндекс.фотки

overmind88 ★★★★★

пора уже digikam2 выпускать ) а они все багфиксят...
тоже хорошо конечно

Sylvia ★★★★★

Так и не смог заставить digikam открывать с нормальными цветами RAW-файлы моего D300s. Перепробывал кучу профилей для моего фотоаппарата, найденных на просторах интернета, но результат был печальным во всех случаях.

Единственный приличным по цветам RAW-конвертером оказался Darktable. LightZone и RawTherapee тоже неплохо, но хуже.

Payalnic ★★

че-то как-то не густо новых фич, по-хорошему это должно было быть digikam 1.5.1 и kipi-plugins 1.3.3

nu11 ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Payalnic

>открывать с нормальными цветами RAW-файлы моего D300s

[fat] у никона не бывает нормальных цветов, одна свекла [/fat]

nu11 ★★★★★

А вот интересно, по API сабжа есть нормальная онлайновая документация? Лично я кроме doxygen и мёртвых ссылок на ничегошеньки не нашёл.

AX ★★★★★
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