Great news for this release of GhostBSD 2.0 will now be support auto mount of USB Devices! There could be some problems across a few system and if you find one please report it to one of the email address below. This submission will help us IMMENSELY! Some of the new changes to the release: was our logo(tell us if you like), bug fixes, New live file system, and more improvements to GDM(no more white screens during booting).GhostBSD is based upon FreeBSD 8.2. On the Ghostbsd 2.0 release you will find Gnome 2.32, Rhythmbox 0.12.8_3, Pidgin 2.7.7, Firefox 3.6 and Thunderbird 3.0.11. In GhostBSD 2.0 you can install with an easy terminal installer write with python. You can now install and delete application with the package manager call Bxpkg.

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от drull

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от blackst0ne

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от blackst0ne

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от drull

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от blackst0ne

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от drull

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от Raving_Zealot

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от drull

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от drull

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от Raving_Zealot

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от drull

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