Письмо тут интересное пришло от профессора из University of Strathclyde, Глазго, Шотландия. ============================== Thank you for your kind message. In order to avoid viruses, we use Linux only and no MicroSoft software. Ricky ###### tells me that when viruses on MicroSoftWindow PC find a list of email addresses, they can send messages to one of the addresses as if it is sent by another of the addresses on the same list. The source of your email message then is not from here but from one of our colleagues using MicroSoftWindow PC, storing a list of email addresses containing both of our addresses and being infected by one of the most common PC viruses that uses one of the million faults in the MicroSoftWindow software. To identify who this guy is can be quite difficult. It cannot be us for sure since we do not use MicroSoftWindow software at all. Thank you for your warning. A suggestion. Drop MicroSoftWindow software as soon as possible and use Linux or MacOSX on all of your machines. ================================= вкратце, с его емейла пришла зараза и села на один из виндовых компов. Ну, мы написали, типа, что за фигня... Вот пришел ответ =) зы в универе, где я сейчас работаю, где-то 60% рабочих машин *никсовые. "Большой кластер" на альфах, True64, "маленький" на 64 атлонах под Linux. Прогресс налицо 8)
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от geek
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от watashiwa_daredeska
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от linux_newbe
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