
[fvwm] [тайлинг] Сбылась мечта идиота!




Хороший человек urob сделал прекрасный конфиг fvwm, в котором реализован (на мой вкус) очень простой и удобный тайлинг. Если кто пользовался wmfs, оно очень похоже на первый взгляд.

Видео на ютубе: Код на гитхабе:

В тред реквестуются yoghurt и ananas

Ответ на: комментарий от radg

Спасибо за поправку!

Ну yoghurt я, положим, в гуглоплюсе выцеплю, а ananas кастуется всё равно. Хоть ему и не надо, а посмотреть, чего люди делают.

Hoodoo ★★★★★
() автор топика


Жалко, что я сейчас очень занят, чтобы раскурить, как он там и что сделал, но конфиг обязательно поковыряю потом. Спасибо!

yoghurt ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от yoghurt

Тысяча восемьсот строк конфига. Правда, очень хорошо откомментированного.

Чего там раскуривать, надо тащить. :)

Hoodoo ★★★★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от Hoodoo

Нуу мух от котлет там всё равно вычищать придется, меня ведь только поведенческая часть интересует :)

yoghurt ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от ZuBB

Да флакс и без этого был давно отодвинут. Я бы даже сказал, задвинут :)

yoghurt ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от yoghurt


fvwm роднит с емаксом обилие всяких ништяков и отсутствие текстового редактора. :3

Кстати, раз пошла такая пьянка, сегодня в рассылку пришло сообщение о том, что часть модулей будут дропать.

ello all,

This has been a while coming since 2.6.0 was released. But I said at the time that since there was no longer ever going to be a split between stable/unstable, and that there was only ever rolling-stable releases, that there was now never any right time to make changes which have an impact.

This is one of them.

Currently, FVWM ships with a number of modules. Some of them are used a lot in peoples' configs (such as FvwmButtons, FvwmEvent, etc.) and others are not so much used — and indeed some of them have just bitrot. Unsurprisingly, that's due to confusion as to the need of the module, and in some cases the language the module is supporting, because it's no longer the «coolest» language to use, or has been pushed back because of another module giving functionality.

So, here's a list of modules I wish to see deprecated, with reasons why:

* FvwmCommand * FvwmConsole *

These three are on a list to be removed, but the functionality to replace them (notably getting FVWM to listen on a $DISPLAY socket, for instance) just isn't there yet. So whilst I don't plan on deprecating them just yet, I'm aware I'll need to at some point.

* FvwmCpp

This one has to go — no one that I've seen in the years I've been using FVWM actually has a configuration in CPP anymore. If they do, they've not noticed it's been broken since FVWM 2.3.X, and no one has fixed that.

* FvwmDragWell

The use-case of this doesn't match any application anymore.

* FvwmIconBox

Replaced with IconBox style option, although not quite the same as having an actual window managing icons (c.f. TWM)

* FvwmSave * FvwmSaveDesk

These two are broken, and a very very poor choice of trying to be a session manager. Use a session manager if you can with FVWM.

* FvwmTaskBar

This is a FvwmButtons module swallowing FvwmIconMan. People wanting mail notification can use xbuffy, xbiff, or mail-notification.

* FvwmWharf

This is FvwmButtons.

* FvwmWinList

This is FvwmIconMan.

Note that I am not interested in someone suddenly jumping out of their front door shouting: «I'll do it, I'll do it! I'll maintain this module.» These modules listed simply do not do their job to the way FVWM works anymore, and worse yet, for some of these modules, the applications interacting with them don't understand their requests. If people really did care that much, the problems with these modules would have been addressed long ago were they in use.

How do we deprecate these things? Slowly — I am not about to commit anything to remove them. There will be a long time in which one module is deprecated, with there being a transition in FVWM to handle module information for deprecated modules.

I will be writing a FvwmDeprecated module stub, and will point the deprecated modules to it, as they're deprecated. This will do nothing more than log the fact the module doesn't exist, perhaps using xmessage if it's installed, etc. Then, over time, as people switch configs, the need for this will go away. It won't be a permenant arrangement of FVWM, but will need to be around for some time as people adjust their configs. Furthermore, as modules are deprecated I will be personally providing instructions on how to migrate from that module to another, where the deprecated module has an equivalent functionality. Not all modules (FvwmSave{,Desk} for instance will not.)

I won't be beginning work on this just yet — maybe I'll start it over Christmas.

Any questions, please ask.

-- Thomas Adam

Hoodoo ★★★★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от Hoodoo

Не ясно, чем ему FvwmCommand не угодил. Очень дельная в хозяйстве весчь

yoghurt ★★★★★

Ждем захлебывания галереи потоками «Арч и Fvwm»?

baverman ★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Hoodoo

у меня все руки не доходят доточить его до человеческого состояния.

ananas ★★★★★
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