
First official release of Ceylon IDE



This release is fully compatible with the already-released Ceylon M1 «Newton» command line distribution which contains the compiler, documentation compiler, language module, and runtime. On the other hand, Ceylon IDE can be used as a standalone Ceylon development tool, even if the full Ceylon distribution is not already separately installed.

You can install Ceylon IDE from our Eclipse plugin update site. The welcome page is a gentle way to get started with Ceylon.
Among the features that have greatly enriched the IDE since its first pre-release builds, the following stand out:

A Ceylon perspective, welcome page, and cheat sheets.

Wizards to create new Ceylon projects, modules, packages, and units.

Cross-project dependencies and navigation: add another Ceylon project on the build path, and dependencies are automatically handled.

Full integration with the Ceylon module architecture: resolve dependencies in an external module repository, and easily export your Ceylon project as a module to a selected repository.

Enhancements to refactorings, including the ability to refactor even in dirty (unsaved) editors.

New quick-fixes: for example, when an identifier is unknown, automatically create a new file containing a stub for the missing declaration.

Improved autocompletion: proposals are now sorted to prioritize those which are assignable to the expected type, as well as those which are declared nearby.

Customization: easily configure your own colors for syntax highlighting.

And, of course, many adjustments and bug fixes to provide a stable release.

Ждем объявлений по приему на работу программистов с пяти- и десятилетним стажем программирования на Ceylon.

shimon ★★★★★

Пора уже банить за такие ссылки.


нет бы назвать внятно «Ceylon plug-in for Eclipse», а то - Ceylon IDE.

mono ★★★★★

Лучше бы для Emacs ceylon-mode запилили.

encyrtid ★★★★★
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