
[kde][kwin]Разрабы квина могут дропнуть поддержку части видеокарт




He ends up saying that he may likely drop the OpenGL 1.x renderer from KWin as it's a support burden. A majority of hardware supports OpenGL 2.0+ (basically anything in more than the past half-decade), the GL2 code-paths are superior, and it's really just not worth maintaining the GL1 back-end any longer. Martin also mentions the XRender back-end for Kwin as being a cost with it being considered a «legacy support system» for those without proper OpenGL support.

To sum it up: we have increased complexity, increased maintenance costs and lots of code just for OpenGL 1.x related hardware which we cannot really test. So a rather bad situation. Additionally it is nothing which we can continue to support in the future. Neither Wayland nor Qt 5 will make sense on such hardware (XRender based compositing might still make sense with Qt 5, but as the name says not with Wayland).

Given this the logical step would be to remove the OpenGL 1.x related code completely. This would of course clash with the demand of some user groups thinking we have to run on old legacy hardware. In the case of Intel GPUs it might be in fact true that there is still a larger number of users around – this is of course difficult to judge.

Another real issue for removing is that the proprietary ATI driver (aka Catalyst/fglrx) only provides a decent compositing performance with indirect rendering restricting the available API to OpenGL 1.x. So removing OpenGL 1.x support would mean removing OpenGL compositing support for all fglrx powered systems even if the GPU supports OpenGL 4. But to be honest: given that the radeon driver has no problems with OpenGL 2 on the same hardware, I would not mind removing support for proprietary drivers.

So aside from those running deathly-slow hardware, Catalyst driver users at least temporarily would get shafted by this move. However, this may leave AMD no choice but to improve their GL code-paths that are stressed by KWin. The only other portion of users potentially affected in size would be those with Intel i945-based netbooks, which don't have full GL2 driver support in Mesa. All other worthwhile hardware and drivers out there are capable of handling OpenGL 2.0+ with KWin.


Вкратце: Мартин жалобится на свою нелёгкую жизнь и как трудно поддерживать opengl 1.x рендер. Так же он жалобится на якобы медленные проприетарные драйвера от AMD. Ну и подводя итог своего нытья говорит о том, что если запилят llvmpipe в его Debian Stable, он его потестит и останется доволен производительностью, то велика вероятность того, что поддержка opengl1.x и fglrx будет дропнута, а пользователи будут сидеть на llvmpipe и radeon, соответственно.


Последнее исправление: daemonpnz (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от daemonpnz

То то у нвидиафанбоев чаще всего проблемы с квином.

Всю жизнь пользуюсь nvidia и kwin, никогда никаких проблем не испытывал, в отличие от говнокомпиза.

Пруфы будут?!

Проморгал новости о том как говнокомпиз выкидывают из почти всех популярных дистрибутивов?

Ответ на: комментарий от fragment

Хм, это федора-то популярный дистр?! Выдыхай.

daemonpnz ★★★★★
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