
iframe Injecting Linux Rootkit





A few days ago, an interesting piece of Linux malware came up on the Full Disclosure mailing-list. It's an outstanding sample, not only because it targets 64-bit Linux platforms and uses advanced techniques to hide itself, but primarily because of the unusual functionality of infecting the websites hosted on attacked HTTP server - and therefore working as a part of drive-by download scenario.


The iFrame injection mechanism is quite interesting: the malware substitutes the system function tcp_sendmsg - which is responsible for building TCP packets - with its own function, so the malicious iFrames are injected into the HTTP traffic by direct modification of the outgoing TCP packets.

ЪЪ: вредоносный модуль для дебиановского 64-битного ядра, который внедряет iframe-ы прямо правя пакеты.

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Последнее исправление: Breton (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от AiFiLTr0

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