Решил вот забэкапить пару windows PC. Заглянул на сайт бакулы за клиентом и вижу следующее:
Dear Bacula community user, thank you for your interest in our Bacula Windows binaries.
As you are probably aware, the community Windows File daemon binaries are no longer produced by the Bacula project. As a service to the community, Bacula Systems is offering its Windows Enterprise binaries at a price that is designed to simply cover the costs in producing and distributing those binaries.
These binaries allow you to continue using Bacula community version, while better integrating your Windows environment. They are related to Bacula community File Daemons only (Storage Daemon and Director binaries for Windows are not available). An installer is available for both 32 and 64 bit machines.
Я правильно понял, что бэкапить windows клиенты теперь можно только за денюжку?