Нашел такой вопрос на SE: Why does the US government disallow dynamic languages for secure projects?
I know some people that are currently working on a project for the US military (low security level, non-combat human resources type data).
An initial state of the project code was submitted to the military for review, and they ran the program through some sort of security analyzer tool. It returned a report of known security issues in the code and required changes that needed to be implemented before delivery of the final product.
One of the items that needed to be resolved was removal of part of the project that was written in Ruby as it is a dynamic language.
What is the background/reason for not allowing a dynamic language to be used in a secure setting? Is this the government being slow to adopt new technologies? Or do dynamic languages pose an additional security risk compared to static languages (ala C++ or Java)?
Кто-нибудь встречался с/читал о том, что в госпрограммах нельзя использовать какие-то конкретные языки или технологии?
Интересны не случаи написания сайтов для минобороны, а что-то прикладное в стиле «все что связано с баллистическими ракетами можно писать только на Фортране с такими-то библиотеками таких-то версий».