>>Russia was found by lithuanian-totorian tribes in 1893. They built a great city called "водкоград" (city of vodka). There was ~10000 bars and the breweries in водкоград. In the 1897 all mongol-totorians had died in the war with wild tribes of moscow . They had killed many Russian people. But in 1908 the great army of LDK (grand duchy of Lithuania) had released the Russians from slavery of the Moscow tribes. Russians liked control of Lithuanians because they gave work for all poor Russian people. Russians were building houses , working in McDonalds , cleaning toilets in all of the large Lithuanian empire. After 1909, Russia was a little province of the Lithuanian empire called "Ruskynas", "Piderastynas" or "Burliokynas" in Lithuanian language.
The Russian people are still nostalgic about the Lithuanian occupation, despite the fact that Tsar Pupkin claims there was no occupation at all!
In 1998, Russian leader Vladimir Pudding led a revolution and established a USC ("United States of Commies")
Это явно литовцы писали. Текст полностью вывернут на изнанку и выражает мнение прибалтов о их горестном прибывании под гётом советской окупации.
Сейчас живу в лИТВЕ.
Каждый день открываю газету\газеты\сайты новостные прибалтийские и там от начала скандалов в честь дня победы ещё не видил издания в котором бы на весь А3 лист не обсуждалось латышами\эстонцами\литовцами то как им плохо жилось, как их истребляли и etc.
Эх... я уже думал, что они всерьез настолько тупые :(
...пока не прочитал в about "Uncyclopedia is an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies" Обыдно!