Go web frameworks (Revel vs. Beego vs. Martini): on which one to settle

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Good day! Trying to make a decision on which one to use for the development of a relatively large web app.

Available options include: Revel vs. Beego vs. Martini.


  • Initial Founder(s): Rob Figueiredo
  • 872 commits, 5 branches, 72 contributors
  • Features: MVC, modular, hot code reload, auto testing, Routing, Reverse routing, Session, Cache (RAM/redis/memcached)
  • Docs: manual, tutorial, samples; friendly community answering your questions on GH issues, Google groups


  • Initial Founder(s): astaxie
  • 936 commits, 3 branches, 56 contributors
  • Features: MVC, modular, hot code reload, auto testing, Routing, Session, Cache, ORM
  • Docs: (looks like) high quality docs on their web-site


  • Initial Founder(s): Jeremy Saenz
  • 350 commits, 2 branches, 44 contributors
  • Features: modular, Routing, some third party middlewares available
  • Docs: (looks like) all in one

BTW, according to the benchmarks Revel showed a better result than Beego. And what is more interesting is the fact in most cases (especially on EC2) Revel was faster than plain golang app.

I've been using Revel for a long time and actually satisfied with it. However, there are so much buzz around that Revel is not following Golang way blah-blah-blah. So what advantages would I get in case of, say, the use of Martini or Beego?

Последнее исправление: CYB3R (всего исправлений: 2)

хлопче, ти, мабуть, форумом помилився.

kelyar ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от vertexua

Вроде же те трое студентов только Revel и юзают, не?

Поправил во имя.

p.s. как тебе, как джависту, раст? (кроме очевидного «сыро, но годно»).

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

Rust мне понравился во всех смыслах - сыро, но годно. Честно говоря чтобы писать прямо сейчас - не готово даже не в силу изменений языка, а просто из-за того что даже банальных регексов нету.

Ну и еще мне не нравится что они начали заниматься активным выпиливанем фич, гномеры нашлись тут. Я уже не могу уследить, выпилили ли они гринлеты завязаные с IO

vertexua ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: vertexua (всего исправлений: 1)
10 августа 2014 г.

Sorry to inform you, but as of Round 9 at, Beego (28.1%) is slightly faster than Revel (26.9%) and almost as fast as plain Go (33%).

The advantage of Beego, it appears to me, is more rapid evolution, i.e., more development activity. I expect Beego to reach «maturity» sooner than Revel.

30 сентября 2014 г.

I reject the idea that Go is such a different and special language that it cannot, or should not, be used to write web applications the same way it's done in Java, Python, Ruby, C++, etc. Full-stack web development is not constrained by language choice. And it offers major benefits, such as ease of entry, immediate and rapid high productivity, and a standard and reliable platform on which to distribute web apps. I've seen this in Django, web2py, and Seaside. My brother has seen this in Wicket.

The mix-and-match, minimalist philosophy goes against my deep conviction that web developers should not be distracted by the minutiae of tool configuration and setup (all in the name of «flexibility»); they should focus their attention almost entirely on writing their application, as quickly as possible, as easily as possible, and as economically as possible.

In fact, I am such a big believer in using a full-stack framework that I've written an advanced tutorial to help jumpstart Beego for people new to Go and web development. Let's not discourage people from using full stack.

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