Что используете в Web для отображения COPYLEFT SYMBOL?
На википедии нашёл следующее:
The copyleft symbol is a mirror image of the copyright symbol, ©: a reversed C in a circle. It has no legal status. A 2016 proposal to add the symbol to a future version of Unicode was accepted by the Unicode Technical Committee. The code point U+1F12F 🄯 COPYLEFT SYMBOL was added in Unicode 11.
As of 2018, it is largely unimplemented in fonts, but can be approximated with character U+2184 ↄ LATIN SMALL LETTER REVERSED C or the more widely available character U+0254 ɔ LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN O between parenthesis (ɔ) or, if supported by the application or web browser, by combining a reversed c with the character U+20DD ↄ⃝ COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE: ↄ⃝.
For a list of fonts that include this glyph, see Unicode fonts#List of SMP Unicode fonts and then row "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (173: 1F100–1F1FF)" (This list is not guaranteed to be current).
Какой шрифт предпочтительнее в современном Web для отображения этого знака?
Ещё, нашел обсуждение от 8 мая 2000 года, http://unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/Archives-Old/UML022/0858.html