Как всегда через месяц вышел новый релиз единственной для PHP RAD фрейморка:
Иземнения: - P4A_Thumbnail_Generator now supports ie's pjpeg extension - a bug with P4A_I18N::_format() method was solved (YYYY was changed to yyyy) - P4A_Field::setYearRange() method was added to be able to manage the year range in the datepicker - 10px top padding was added to P4A_Fieldset - jQuery::maskedinput 1.1.4 plugin was added - P4A_Field::setInputMask() and getInputMask() methods were added, check the code reference for usage - popup template support for "top" zone was added - P4A_Table's caption (label) is now automatically traslated at run time - P4A now triggers the "ontranslate" event, you can intercept it (getting string/translation/istranslated parameters) to track translations while developing your application - a bug with P4A_Table's label with IE6 was fixed - P4A_Table's navigation bar's "go to page" label's CSS was changed so now it will remain on a single line - a typo in P4A_DB_Source documentation was fixed - a PHP warning was fixed in P4A_DB_Navigator - more info were added in products_catalogue's index.php file - P4A_Mask::setRequiredField() and unsetRequiredField() methods now check if the field exists before calling the addValidator() otherwise show an error message
Скачать: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=98294&package_id=10...