Ответ на: комментарий от anon_666

9.8. Use of private chunks

Applications can use PNG private chunks to carry information that need not be understood by other applications. Such chunks must be given names with lowercase second letters, to ensure that they can never conflict with any future public chunk definition. Note, however, that there is no guarantee that some other application will not use the same private chunk name. If you use a private chunk type, it is prudent to store additional identifying information at the beginning of the chunk data.

edigaryev ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от edigaryev

Это не слои png, но это то, каким образом Fireworks реализует хранение «своих» слоев в png.


edigaryev ★★★★★

Тоже искал, нихрена не нашёл. Юзай fireworks под вайном.

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