Ревью GNOME 2.6 и GNOME 2.6 Usability Study.
Автор провел несколько интересных экспериментов над Usability Гнома.
Для эксперимента было выбрано 4 пользователя + пятый сам автор статьи.
"Пять пользователей достаточно для проведения таких экспериментов"-считает Dr. Nielsen.
"The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many small tests as you can afford."
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, March 19, 2000:
Пользователи были выбраны с различными навыками:
* User #1 - Beginner / Experimenter
* User #2 - Beginner / Hesitant User
* User #3 - Advanced Unix User
* User #4 - Advanced Mac User and Systems Architect
должны были выполнить простые задания:
* Browse online
* Check email
* Listen to Internet radio
* ICQ/Chat
* Play a game
* Open a Word document
* Start a Word document
* etc
и высказать свои замечания:
User #1:
-"Does this work like a Mac?" User #1 said while indicating the bars at the top and bottom
User #1 really liked in GAIM "wow I don't have to start a chat to see what their away message is"
User #2:
-"F*ck no I don't want to do that" referring to saving passwords, never saves passwords at home ;
-"Look at the pretty colors" referring to the goom visualization in the Internet Radio
User #3:
-"Looks nice!" referring to the desktop and the latest version of GNOME
User #3 never saves in .doc format and only reads .doc on occasion
- "Wow, very impressive, seems to have opened it just fine."
User #4:
-"What is alias? I don't know my alias." User hesitant to continue for a moment using GAIM.
-"File Roller? What the heck is this?"
-"How do you know these are buttons" referring to the path buttons in the file chooser
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