Очень неплохой XML-редактор, написанный на Java, к сожалению не свободный, стандартная версия доступна для скачивания бесплатно.
Фрагмент Changelog'а:
* XMLmind XML Editor can now be used to author modular documents.
* Completely rewrote the DocBook and Simplified DocBook CSS style sheets. New style sheets are easier to maintain and fully supports DocBook 4.2.
* Only on Linux: ugly Metal look has been replaced by cool Kunststoff look (http://www.incors.org/). (Unfortunately, JavaTM 1.4.2 new GTK Look and Feel is even uglier that Metal.)
* XML-Schema only: full support of regular expressions as specified in http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#regexs thanks to James Clark's excellent xsdregex library (XSD to Java Regular Expression Translator).
и т. д.
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