Выявлена дыра, позволяющая «уронить» компьютер с Linux под любым пользователем




В списке рассылки разработчиков ядра Linux (LKML) был обнародован код, позволяющий через вызов функции ядра socketpair() создать процесс, съедающий 100% процессорного времени и все файловые дескрипторы. Процесс, будучи запущенным от имени любого пользователя, может привести систему к состоянию полной неработоспособности.

Пробный патч, который, тем не менее, не устраняет проблему, опубликован здесь.

>>> Подробности


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Ответ на: комментарий от umbr

ага :) не изучал винду, просто. можно пруфами покидать каким-нибудь? вдруг стало интересно почитать

tazhate ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от tazhate

Да. В Win nt 3.5-40.

Откуда по вашему там /etc ?

В w2k переписали на свой, говорят.

sv75 ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от tazhate

в винде? бздшный стек? :)

День открытий на ЛОРе. Некоторые БСДшные корни у него-таки есть.

Along with Spider's stack came versions of various TCP/IP-related utility programs, such as ftp, rcp and rsh. Those were ported from BSD sockets to winsock (not a huge change) and bundled with NT.

Now, some of Spider's code (possibly all of it) was based on the TCP/IP stack in the BSD flavors of Unix. These are open source, but distributed under the BSD license, not the GPL that Linux is released under. Whereas the GPL states that any software derived from GPL'ed software must also be released under the GPL, the BSD license basically says, «here's the source, you can do whatever you want, just give credit to the original author.»

Eventually the new, from scratch TCP/IP stack was done and shipped with NT 3.5 (the second version, despite the number) in late 1994. The same stack was also included with Windows 95.

However, it looks like some of those Unix utilities were never rewritten. If you look at the executables, you can still see the copyright notice from the regents of the University of California (BSD is short for Berkeley Software Distrubution, Berkeley being a branch of the University of California, for some reason referred to as «Berkeley» on the East Coast and «California» on the West Coast...and «Berkeley» is one of those words that starts to look real funny if you stare at it too long - but I digress).

Keep in mind there is no reason to rewrite that code. If your ftp client works fine (no comments from the peanut gallery!) then why change it? Microsoft has other fish to fry. And the software was licensed perfectly legally, since the inclusion of the copyright notice satisfied the BSD license.

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