Вот - опять! - полюбуйтесь.
Я, если честно, уже запутался. В каких ветках фрюхи уже или еще все ок, а порты вот-вот будут или еще не скоро, рпм, емерджсинки...
Но надо косить. А по сему - апгрейд-апгрейд-апгрейд...
1. Versions affected:
Portable OpenSSH versions 3.7p1 and 3.7.1p1 contain multiple
vulnerabilities in the new PAM code. At least one of these bugs
is remotely exploitable (under a non-standard configuration,
with privsep disabled).
The OpenBSD releases of OpenSSH do not contain this code and
are not vulnerable. Older versions of portable OpenSSH are not
2. Solution:
Upgrade to Portable OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 or disable PAM
support ("UsePam no" in sshd_config).
Due to complexity, inconsistencies in the specification and
differences between vendors' PAM implementations we recommend
that PAM be left disabled in sshd_config unless there is a need
for its use. Sites only using public key or simple password
authentication usually have little need to enable PAM

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