Вышел QtCreator 2.5
You can repeat a recent search with the same parameters with a simple click on “Search Again”
“Execute” Locator filter lets you run arbitrary commands in a shell from Qt Creator (“! <some command>”) (thanks to Yuchen Deng!)
Experimental plugin that shows “TODO” items from your sources (thanks to Dmitry Savchenko and Vasiliy Sorokin!)
Experimental plugin for autotools based projects (thanks to Patricia Santana Cruz and Openismus GmbH!)
Mac OS X Lion users will we happy to know that QTCREATORBUG-6222 which prevented adding some Qt Versions has finally been fixed
A very basic version of a C++ refactoring action that adds an #include for an unknown identifier has been added (move cursor on identifier, press Alt+Return (Option+Return on Mac OS X))
A very basic version of a C++ “extract method” refactoring action Improved support of C++11 (nullptr, constexpr, static_assert, noexcept, inline namespaces, auto, lambdas)
Rearrange C++ method arguments (thanks to Bojan Petrovic!)
New hints and warnings for QML code, including an option to prevent them for specific lines (with a special comment)
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