Добрый день уважаемые.
Настраиваю master-slave репликацию (не replicaSet). Все поднялось, все запустилось, slave начал репликацию (опция resync = true). За несколько часов он скачал 20% базы, последующие 7 часов - все осталось на тех же 20% - больше не идет.
Судя по логам - репликация продолжается, но с какими-то ошибками.
Выдержка из mongodb.log:
Wed Dec 3 14:55:58.657 [replslave] replication info adding missing object
Wed Dec 3 14:55:58.657 [replslave] replication missing doc, but this is okay for a capped collection (test.customdata)
Wed Dec 3 14:55:58.657 [replslave] replication missing object not found on source. presumably deleted later in oplog
Wed Dec 3 14:55:58.657 [replslave] replication o2: { _id: ObjectId('547efa441eff6701f278c2fe') }
Wed Dec 3 14:55:58.657 [replslave] replication o firstfield: $set
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication update of non-mod failed: { ts: Timestamp 1417607836000|3, op: "u", ns: "test.customdata", o2: { _id: ObjectId('547ef6781eff6701f2788f62') }, o: { $set: { value: { autoexpandfeed: "no" } } } }
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication info adding missing object
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication missing doc, but this is okay for a capped collection (test.customdata)
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication missing object not found on source. presumably deleted later in oplog
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication o2: { _id: ObjectId('547ef6781eff6701f2788f62') }
Wed Dec 3 14:56:00.655 [replslave] replication o firstfield: $set
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication update of non-mod failed: { ts: Timestamp 1417607840000|11, op: "u", ns: "test.customdata", o2: { _id: ObjectId('547ef6781eff6701f2788f62') }, o: { $set: { value: { autoexpandfeed: "no" } } } }
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication info adding missing object
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication missing doc, but this is okay for a capped collection (test.customdata)
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication missing object not found on source. presumably deleted later in oplog
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication o2: { _id: ObjectId('547ef6781eff6701f2788f62') }
Wed Dec 3 14:56:05.379 [replslave] replication o firstfield: $set