We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from autogenerated@blocklist.de.
Please would you take all necessary measures to avoid this in future.
Furthermore, we request that you send a short response within 24 hours to us and to the complainant. This response should contain information about how this issue could happen and what you intend to do about it.
How to proceed:
- Solve the problem.
- Send a response to us using the following link: http://abuse.hetzner.de/statements/?token=blablabla
- Send a response by email to the complainant
A technician will check the data and coordinate further proceedings. If multiple complaints have been received, the situation could lead to the server being blocked.
Important note:
Не пинайте, пожалуйста, за незнание, но. Мне никогда не приходилось расследовать. Хочу научиться. Подскажите, какие утилиты мне в помощь нужны, на что обратить внимание, куда копать?