Есть модем zyxel omni adsl lan, стоящий на уединённом (невключенном ни в какие сети) компе. Есть статья http://www.opennet.ru/base/modem/OmniLanEELinux.txt.html, в который описываются способ подключения к стриму. Делаю. 0. жму ресет на модеме.
1. опускаю интерфейс eth0 # ifconfig eth0 down
2. поднимаю интерфейс eth0 # ifconfig eth0 up
3. назначаю адреса ~ugoday# dhcpcd -dnCRYN eth0 dhcpcd: MAC address = 00:05:1c:0f:ff:8d dhcpcd: your IP address = ~ugoday# dhcpcd.exe: interface eth0 has been configured with old IP=
4. добавляю роутинг ~ugoday# route add default gw eth0 SIOCADDRT: File exists
5. захожу в модем ~ugoday# telnet
Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP Setup
DHCP Setup DHCP= Server Client IP Pool Starting Address= Size of Client IP Pool= 1 Primary DNS Server= Secondary DNS Server= Remote DHCP Server= N/A TCP/IP Setup: IP Address= IP Subnet Mask= RIP Direction= Both Version= RIP-2B Multicast= None IP Policies= Edit IP Alias= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup
ISP's Name= stream Encapsulation= PPPoE Multiplexing= LLC-based VPI #= 1 VCI #= 50 ATM QoS Type= UBR Peak Cell Rate (PCR)= 0 Sustain Cell Rate (SCR)= 0 Maximum Burst Size (MBS)= 0 My Login= ppp0******@mtu My Password= ******** Idle Timeout (sec)= 0 IP Address Assignment= Dynamic IP Address= N/A Network Address Translation= SUA Only Address Mapping Set= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= stream Route= IP Active= Yes Bridge= No
Encapsulation= PPPoE Edit IP/Bridge= No Multiplexing= LLC-based Edit ATM Options= No Service Name= Incoming: Telco Option: Rem Login= Allocated Budget(min)= 0 Rem Password= ******** Period(hr)= 0 Outgoing: Schedule Sets= My Login= ppp0******@mtu Nailed-Up Connection= Yes My Password= ******** Session Options: Authen= CHAP/PAP Edit Filter Sets= No Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
6. выхожу из модема Connection closed by foreign host.
7. пытаюсь пропинговаться ~ugoday# ping opennet.ru ping: unknown host opennet.ru
8. Вопрос: где я накосячил и как это безобразие исправить?