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Ошибка при подключении к Dante серверу

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Всем привет!

Пытаюсь настроить dante-server на тестовом компе. Вроде, он даже работает, но есть проблема с авторизацией. При попытке сделать curl запрос

curl -x socks5://proxy_user_01:$1$mR6o3Kfs$Vo6AjEe4BuWIJgAuZFtWZ1@

выдает ошибку

curl: (7) User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (1 1).

в логах systemctl пишет это

May 20 22:12:08 debian danted[15125]: pam_pwdfile(sockd:auth): wrong password for user proxy_user_01

вот конфиги, которые я настраивал:


# $Id: sockd.conf,v 2017/01/31 07:16:25 karls Exp $
# A sample danted.conf
# The config file is divided into three parts;
#    1) server settings
#    2) rules
#    3) routes
# The recommended order is:
#   Server settings:
#               logoutput
#               internal
#               external
#               socksmethod
#               clientmethod
#               users
#               compatibility
#               extension
#               timeout
#               srchost
#  Rules:
#        client block/pass
#                from to
#                libwrap
#                log
#     block/pass
#                from to
#                socksmethod
#                command
#                libwrap
#                log
#                protocol
#                proxyprotocol
#  Routes:

# the server will log both via syslog, to stdout and to /var/log/sockd.log
#logoutput: syslog stdout /var/log/sockd.log
#logoutput: stderr
logoutput: /var/log/sockd.log

# The server will bind to the address, port 1080 and will only
# accept connections going to that address.
#internal: port = 1080
# Alternatively, the interface name can be used instead of the address.
internal: enp7s0 port = 1080

# all outgoing connections from the server will use the IP address
external: enp7s0

# list over acceptable authentication methods, order of preference.
# An authentication method not set here will never be selected.
# If the socksmethod field is not set in a rule, the global
# socksmethod is filled in for that rule.

# methods for socks-rules.
#socksmethod: username none #rfc931

# methods for client-rules.
#clientmethod: none

#or if you want to allow rfc931 (ident) too
#socksmethod: username rfc931 none

#or for PAM authentication
socksmethod: pam.username

# User identities, an important section.

# when doing something that can require privilege, it will use the
# userid:
user.privileged: proxy

# when running as usual, it will use the unprivileged userid of:
user.unprivileged: nobody

# If you are not using libwrap, no need for the below line, so leave
# it commented.
# If you compiled with libwrap support, what userid should it use
# when executing your libwrap commands?  "libwrap".
#user.libwrap: libwrap
user.libwrap: nobody

# Some options to help clients with compatibility:

# when a client connection comes in the socks server will try to use
# the same port as the client is using, when the socks server
# goes out on the clients behalf (external: IP address).
# If this option is set, Dante will try to do it for reserved ports as well.
# This will usually require user.privileged to be set to "root".
#compatibility: sameport

# If you are using the Inferno Nettverk bind extension and have trouble
# running servers via the server, you might try setting this.
#compatibility: reuseaddr

# The Dante server supports some extensions to the socks protocol.
# These require that the socks client implements the same extension and
# can be enabled using the "extension" keyword.
# enable the bind extension.
#extension: bind

# Misc options.

# how many seconds can pass from when a client connects till it has
# sent us its request?  Adjust according to your network performance
# and methods supported.
#timeout.negotiate: 30   # on a lan, this should be enough.

# how many seconds can the client and its peer idle without sending
# any data before we dump it?  Unless you disable tcp keep-alive for
# some reason, it's probably best to set this to 0, which is
# "forever". 0 # or perhaps 86400, for a day.

# do you want to accept connections from addresses without
# dns info?  what about addresses having a mismatch in dns info?
#srchost: nodnsunknown nodnsmismatch

# The actual rules.  There are two kinds and they work at different levels.
# The rules prefixed with "client" are checked first and say who is allowed
# and who is not allowed to speak/connect to the server.  I.e the
# ip range containing possibly valid clients.
# It is especially important that these only use IP addresses, not hostnames,
# for security reasons.
# The rules that do not have a "client" prefix are checked later, when the
# client has sent its request and are used to evaluate the actual
# request.
# The "to:" in the "client" context gives the address the connection
# is accepted on, i.e the address the socks server is listening on, or
# just "" for any address the server is listening on.
# The "to:" in the non-"client" context gives the destination of the clients
# socks request.
# "from:" is the source address in both contexts.

# The "client" rules.  All our clients come from the net

# Allow our clients, also provides an example of the port range command.
#client pass {
#        from: port 1-65535 to:
#        clientmethod: rfc931 # match all idented users that also are in passwordfile

# This is identical to above, but allows clients without a rfc931 (ident)
# too.  In practice this means the socks server will try to get a rfc931
# reply first (the above rule), if that fails, it tries this rule.
#client pass {
#        from: port 1-65535 to:

client pass {
	from: to:
	log: connect disconnect error
    	pam.servicename: sockd

# drop everyone else as soon as we can and log the connect, they are not
# on our net and have no business connecting to us.  This is the default
# but if you give the rule yourself, you can specify details.
#client block {
#        from: to:
#        log: connect error

# the rules controlling what clients are allowed what requests

# you probably don't want people connecting to loopback addresses,
# who knows what could happen then.
#socks block {
#        from: to: lo0
#        log: connect error

# the people at the are bad, no one should talk to them.
# log the connect request and also provide an example on how to
# interact with libwrap.
#socks block {
#        from: to:
#        libwrap: spawn finger @%a
#        log: connect error

# unless you need it, you could block any bind requests.
#socks block {
#        from: to:
#        command: bind
#        log: connect error

# or you might want to allow it, for instance "active" ftp uses it.
# Note that a "bindreply" command must also be allowed, it
# should usually by from "", i.e if a client of yours
# has permission to bind, it will also have permission to accept
# the reply from anywhere.
#socks pass {
#        from: to:
#        command: bind
#        log: connect error

# some connections expect some sort of "reply", this might be
# the reply to a bind request or it may be the reply to a
# udppacket, since udp is packet based.
# Note that nothing is done to verify that it's a "genuine" reply,
# that is in general not possible anyway.  The below will allow
# all "replies" in to your clients at the net.
#socks pass {
#        from: to:
#        command: bindreply udpreply
#        log: connect error

# pass any http connects to the domain if they
# authenticate with username.
# This matches "" itself and everything ending in "".
#socks pass {
#        from: to: port = http
#        log: connect error
#        clientmethod: username

# block any other http connects to the domain.
#socks block {
#        from: to: port = http
#        log: connect error

# everyone from our internal network, is allowed to use
# tcp and udp for everything else.
#socks pass {
#        from: to:
#        protocol: tcp udp

socks pass {
	from: to:
	log: connect disconnect error

# last line, block everyone else.  This is the default but if you provide
# one  yourself you can specify your own logging/actions
#socks block {
#        from: to:
#        log: connect error

# route all http connects via an upstream socks server, aka "server-chaining".
#route {
# from: to: port = http via: port = socks


auth required pwdfile /etc/danted.passwd
account required



Может быть кто-нибудь сможет подсказать, в чем может быть проблема?

Ответ на: комментарий от BOOBLIK

Я сгенерировал пароль для пользователя через

mkpasswd --method=md5 password

т.е, это и есть сам пароль, а не хэш пароля

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от BOOBLIK

Только сейчас понял какую ересь я написал)

Скопировал команду бездумно с сайта и не прочитал синтаксис, спасибо за наводку, теперь все работает)

() автор топика


Если у тебя на самом деле такой пароль, то стоит $ заэкранировать. Без экранирования шел заменит переменные типа $mR6o3Kfs на их значения. Фактически, у тебя будет там пустая строка, ведь навряд ли у тебя установлены переменные с такими именами.

# echo $1$mR6o3Kfs$Vo6AjEe4BuWIJgAuZFtWZ1

# echo \$1\$mR6o3Kfs\$Vo6AjEe4BuWIJgAuZFtWZ1
i-rinat ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: i-rinat (всего исправлений: 1)
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