Помогите разобраться с ошибкой, не понимаю что она может означать, доступ на чтение к ключу у postfix имеется mail:~# postmap -q "bamm@example.com" ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/local_recipients.cf postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_create postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_url_parse_ext(ldap://mail.example.com) postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_extended_operation_s postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_extended_operation postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_initial_request postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_new_connection postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_open_connection postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_connect_to_host: TCP mail.example.com:389 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_new_socket: 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_prepare_socket: 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_connect_to_host: Trying postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_connect_timeout: fd: 4 tm: 10 async: 0 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_ndelay_on: 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_is_sock_ready: 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_ndelay_off: 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_sasl_open: host=mail.example.com postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_open_defconn: successful postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_server_request postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_flush: 31 bytes to sd 4 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_result msgid 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=1, all=1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg (infinite timeout), msgid 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg continue, msgid 1, all 1 ** Connections: * host: mail.example.com port: 389 (default) refcnt: 2 status: Connected last used: Sun Nov 9 19:36:43 2008 ** Outstanding Requests: * msgid 1, origid 1, status InProgress outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0 ** Response Queue: Empty postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=1, all=1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_select postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: msgid 1, all 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents: postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_read: message type extended-result msgid 1, original id 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber: postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: 0 new referrals postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: mark request completed, id = 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: request 1 done postmap: dict_ldap_debug: res_errno: 0, res_error: <>, res_matched: <> postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_request (origid 1, msgid 1) postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_connection postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_connection: refcnt 1 postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_parse_extended_result postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber: postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_parse_result postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber: postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt (}) ber: postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_msgfree postmap: dict_ldap_debug: TLS: could not use key file `/etc/postfix/certs/postfix_private_key.pem'. postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_err2string postmap: error: dict_ldap_connect: Unable to set STARTTLS: 91: Connect error

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от Husky

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Похожие темы
- Форум LDAP + TLS (2004)
- Форум Postfix, TLS (2011)
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- Форум LDAP with TLS (2003)
- Форум Postfix+LDAP (2011)
- Форум ldap+ postfix (2018)
- Форум Postfix + ldap (2018)
- Форум postfix + LDAP (2002)
- Форум TLS в postfix (2002)
- Форум LDAP + TLS, вторая попытка (2004)