Добрый день!
Не могу восстановить файлы из бэкапа при восстановлении файла пишет следующее:
restore client=dc01-fd jobid=3710 storage=pc-68-stor
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
You have selected the following JobId: 3710
Building directory tree for JobId(s) 3710 ...
3 files inserted into the tree.
You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.
cwd is: /
$ cd /
cwd is: /
$ mark *
5 files marked.
$ done
Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bacula/bacula-dir.restore.4.bsr
The job will require the following
Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
pc-68-0310 pc-68-stor pc-68-storage
Volumes marked with "*" are online.
4 files selected to be restored.
Run Restore job
JobName: RestoreFiles
Bootstrap: /var/lib/bacula/bacula-dir.restore.4.bsr
Where: /home/it/Backup/bacula-restores
Replace: always
FileSet: Full Set
Backup Client: dc01-fd
Restore Client: dc01-fd
Storage: pc-68-stor
When: 2013-04-23 15:01:59
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):
.. the restore is now running. When complete, the results will be shown below ..
23-апр. 15:02 bacula-dir JobId 3714: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2013-04-23_15.01.59_49
23-апр. 15:02 bacula-dir JobId 3714: Using Device "pc-68-storage"
23-апр. 14:59 orlovops-sd JobId 3714: Fatal error: Bootstrap file error: Keyword Storage not found
: Line 1, col 7 of file C:\ProgramData\Bacula\Work/orlovops-sd.RestoreFiles.2013-04-23_15.01.59_49.4.bootstrap
23-апр. 14:59 orlovops-sd JobId 3714: Fatal error: Error parsing bootstrap file.
23-апр. 15:02 bacula-dir JobId 3714: Fatal error: Bad response to Bootstrap command: wanted 3000 OK bootstrap
, got 3904 Error bootstrap
23-апр. 15:02 bacula-dir JobId 3714: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10): 23-апр.-2013 15:02:01
Build OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 11.04
JobId: 3714
Job: RestoreFiles.2013-04-23_15.01.59_49
Restore Client: dc01-fd
Start time: 23-апр.-2013 15:02:01
End time: 23-апр.-2013 15:02:01
Files Expected: 4
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
FD Errors: 0
FD termination status:
SD termination status:
Termination: *** Restore Error ***
23-апр. 15:02 bacula-dir JobId 3714: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10): 23-апр.-2013 15:02:02
Build OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 11.04
JobId: 3714
Job: RestoreFiles.2013-04-23_15.01.59_49
Restore Client: dc01-fd
Start time: 23-апр.-2013 15:02:01
End time: 23-апр.-2013 15:02:02
Files Expected: 4
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
FD Errors: 1
FD termination status:
SD termination status:
Termination: *** Restore Error ***
Сама резервная копия делается без ошибок, при восстановлении даёт войти в джоб, чтобы выбрать файлы. Директор (версия 5.2.10) установлен на Ubuntu 11.04, Storage daemon(версия 5.0.2) установлен на Windows 2008 R2. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой?