Добрый день!
Столкнулся с следующей проблемой: При запуске задания одной из рабочих станций происходит ошибка связанная с VSS. Подскажите куда «копать»? Система на раб. станции WinXP SP3, брандмауэр отключен.
Листинг ошибки:
he backup job is now running. When complete, the results will be shown below ..
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: Start Backup JobId 3871, Job=pc-58-job.2013-05-07_15.58.29_05
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "pc-58-0349". Marking it purged.
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: All records pruned from Volume "pc-58-0349"; marking it "Purged"
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: Recycled volume "pc-58-0349"
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: Using Device "pc-58-storage"
07-мая 16:45 strishi-sd JobId 3871: Recycled volume "pc-58-0349" on device "pc-58-storage" (/home/user/Backup/Clients/pc-58), all previous data lost.
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: Max Volume jobs=1 exceeded. Marking Volume "pc-58-0349" as Used.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win32 VSS", Drive(s)="C"
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Fatal error: CreateSGenerate VSS snapshots failed. ERR=��������� ���� ������������ �� ��������� �� � ����� �� �������� ���������� ���������.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Error: VSS API failure calling "BackupComplete". ERR=Object is not initialized; called during restore or not called in correct sequence.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Warning: VSS Writer "Microsoft Writer (Service State)" has invalid state. ERR=The writer vetoed the shadow copy creation process during the backup preparation state.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Warning: VSS Writer "MSDEWriter" has invalid state. ERR=The writer vetoed the shadow copy creation process during the backup preparation state.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Warning: VSS Writer "Microsoft Writer (Bootable State)" has invalid state. ERR=The writer vetoed the shadow copy creation process during the backup preparation state.
07-мая 17:04 strkassir-fd JobId 3871: Warning: VSS Writer "WMI Writer" has invalid state. ERR=The writer vetoed the shadow copy creation process during the backup preparation state.
07-мая 16:45 strishi-sd JobId 3871: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:09, Transfer rate = 0 Bytes/second
07-мая 15:58 bacula-dir JobId 3871: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.3 (04Aug10): 07-мая-2013 15:58:43
Build OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 11.04
JobId: 3871
Job: pc-58-job.2013-05-07_15.58.29_05
Backup Level: Full
Client: "pc-58-fd" 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600),Cross-compile,Win32
FileSet: "pc-58-fileset" 2013-05-07 14:59:08
Pool: "pc-58-pool" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "pc-58-stor" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 07-мая-2013 15:58:29
Start time: 07-мая-2013 15:58:33
End time: 07-мая-2013 15:58:43
Elapsed time: 10 secs
Priority: 10
FD Files Written: 0
SD Files Written: 0
FD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
SD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Software Compression: None
VSS: yes
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): pc-58-0349
Volume Session Id: 2
Volume Session Time: 1367927126
Last Volume Bytes: 601 (601 B)
Non-fatal FD errors: 2
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: OK
Termination: *** Backup Error ***