Sane и Benq 5000 Serises



Не запускается сабж на Ubuntu Breeze

[snapscan] Scanner warming up - waiting 32 seconds.
scanimage: open of device snapscan:libusb:001:004 failed: Error during device I/O

вот конфиг
cat snapscan.conf
#------------------------------ General -----------------------------------

# Change to the fully qualified filename of your firmware file, if
# firmware upload is needed by the scanner
firmware /etc/sane.d/20F8V115.bin

# If not automatically found you may manually specify a device name.

# For USB scanners also specify bus=usb, e.g.
# /dev/usb/scanner0 bus=usb

# For SCSI scanners specify the generic device, e.g. /dev/sg0 on Linux.
# /dev/sg0

# No changes should be necessary below this line

#-------------------------- SCSI scanners ----------------------------------
# These SCSI devices will be probed automatically
scsi AGFA * Scanner
scsi COLOR * Scanner
scsi Color * Scanner
scsi ACERPERI * Scanner

#--------------------------- USB scanners -----------------------------------
# These USB devices will be probed automatically
# (This will currently work only on Linux)

# my
usb 0x04a5 0x20f8

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